To Honda NSX αποκτά το δικό του κέντρο

Η Acura ανακοίνωσε πως επενδύει $70 εκατ. (€54 εκατ.) στο Οχάιο, έτσι ώστε να κατασκευάσει το Performance Manufacturing Center, εκεί όπου θα πάρει μορφή το νέο NSX.

Το κέντρο έχει έκταση 17 στρεμμάτων και θα απασχολεί 100 “υψηλής ειδίκευσης” εργαζομένους, οι οποίοι θα επιλεγούν από τις υπάρχουσες εγκαταστάσεις της Honda στην Αμερική.


NSX έχει προγραμματιστεί να βγει στην αγορά το 2015 και σύντομα, η Acura/Honda θα ξεκινήσει την εκπαίδευση των εργαζομένων, ώστε αυτοί να είναι σε θέση να κατασκευάσουν το NSX.

Στην Αγγλία όποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορεί ήδη να το προ-παραγγείλει, αφού το μόνο που πρέπει να κάνει, είναι να δώσει £5.000 (€5.860) προκαταβολή ώστε να είναι ένας από τους πρώτους που θα το αποκτήσουν.

Το νέο NSX θα έχει διαστάσεις 4.330 mm μήκος, 1.895 mm πλάτος. 1.160 mm ύψος με μεταξόνιο 2.575 mm. Θα φορά 19″ ζάντες μπροστά και 20″ με ελαστικά διαστάσεων 255/35 μπροστά και 275/30 πίσω.

Μηχανικά το Ιαπωνικό supercar θα φορά ένα V6 κινητήρα τοποθετημένο στο κέντρο, ο οποίος θα είναι κατασκευασμένος από ελαφριά υλικά και θα χρησιμοποιεί το υβριδικό σύστημα της Honda, Sport Hybrid SH-AWD (Super Handling All Wheel Drive).

Ο V6 κινητήρας θα είναι τεχνολογίας VTEC άμεσου ψεκασμού και χωρητικότητας 3.5-λίτρων στέλνοντας την κίνηση στον πίσω άξονα, ενώ θα υπάρχουν δύο ηλεκτροκινητήρες, ανά ένας τοποθετημένος στους μπροστά τροχούς, κάνοντας το αυτοκίνητο τετρακίνητο. Θα αποδίδει συνολικά 400 άλογα με τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα να τα κάνει σε λιγότερο από 5 δευτερόλεπτα.

Θα συνδυάζεται με ένα αυτόματο κιβώτιο τεχνολογίας διπλού συμπλέκτη και θα ενσωματώνει έναν ηλεκτροκινητήρα προσφέροντας έτσι καλύτερα νούμερα επιτάχυνσης αλλά και μικρότερη κατανάλωση. Σε ότι αφορά τη τιμή του, αυτή θα είναι μεγαλύτερη από την τιμή του Nissan GT-R.

[Πηγή: Acura/Honda]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Acura NSX Production Site Selected in Ohio Located Near Honda’s R&D Center, Facility to Employ 100 Highly Skilled Associates

05/14/2013 – MARYSVILLE, Ohio

Acura today announced that the all-new NSX supercar will be produced at a new Performance Manufacturing Center in Ohio, a $70 million advanced production facility encompassing 184,000 square feet to be housed inside Honda’s former North American Logistics facility and located in the midst of Honda’s existing R&D and production engineering operations.

The site for the new production facility, which will be Honda’s third auto plant in Ohio, is only a few miles from the Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Ohio Center that is engineering the supercar for production and adjacent to Honda of America Mfg.’s Marysville Auto Plant. The Performance Manufacturing Center also is close to Honda Engineering North America, Inc., center for the development of new production technologies.

A part of Honda of America, the Performance Manufacturing Center will be a unique manufacturing operation that will employ approximately 100 highly skilled manufacturing associates drawn from within Honda’s existing operations in Ohio. In addition, associates at Honda’s engine plant in Anna, Ohio, will assemble the NSX powertrain.

“Thirty years ago, building cars in America was a big dream. Working together, here in Ohio and across North America we turned this dream into reality,” said Hidenobu Iwata, president & CEO of Honda of America and the head of Honda’s manufacturing operations in North America. “The location of this facility is in the midst of one of the greatest collections of engineering and production talent in the world. So it makes sense that we will renew the dream and build this high-tech, supercar in Marysville, Ohio.”

In addition to the plant location, Honda announced that Honda R&D Americaschief engineer Ted Klaus is leading the global team developing the new NSX, and Clement D’ Souza, associate chief engineer at Honda of America, is leading the team that will bring NSX to mass production in 2015.

“This new plant will be as unique as the vehicle we will build here,” said D’Souza. “In creating the plan for this plant, we looked closely at each process and determined the perfect blend of associate craftsmanship and technology to adopt a new approach to manufacturing.”

The Acura NSX Concept was on display at the event, attended by local community and government leaders, including Ohio Governor John Kasich, showcasing the NSX’s low and wide stance that will help fulfill the Acura brand product direction centered on the synergy between man and machine.

The new NSX is being developed by a global R&D team led by designers and engineers at Honda R&D Americas, Inc. located in Los Angeles, Calif., and Raymond, Ohio. The NSX will feature a unique powertrain and body structure to provide an incredible driving experience. It will be powered by a mid-mounted V-6 engine mated to Acura’s innovative new Sport Hybrid SH-AWD (Super Handling All Wheel Drive) system.

“We have a very clear understanding of the high customer expectations luxury buyers around the world have for a supercar, and our challenge is to exceed them and create new value for the customer,” said Klaus. “This new Performance Manufacturing Center will be key to this challenge.”

Once selected, the team of production associates at the Performance Manufacturing Center will begin training and establishing manufacturing processes that will be used to build the all-new NSX. The next generation NSX will be built exclusively at the all-new Performance Manufacturing Center. In addition to being sold in North America, the NSX will be exported to customers throughout the world.

The original Acura NSX was built at the Takanezawa Plant in Japan from 1990 until production moved to the Suzuka Plant in early 2004, where it was produced until 2005. Part of the Tochigi Factory, the Takanezawa Plant was the first manufacturing facility in the world to mass-produce an all-aluminum body and balance advanced production equipment with hands-on “craftsman” processes.


NSX to be produced at new Performance Manufacturing Centre in OhioTed Klaus announced as Global Chief Engineer for the project

Honda has announced that the all-new NSX supercar will be produced at a new Performance Manufacturing Centre in Ohio, United States. The $70 million advanced production facility encompasses 184,000 square feet and will be housed inside Honda’s former North American Logistics facility.

The site, which will be Honda’s third car plant in Ohio, is located close to the Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Ohio Centre that is engineering the supercar for production and adjacent to Honda of America Mfg.’s Marysville Auto Plant. The Performance Manufacturing Centre is also close to Honda Engineering North America, Inc., centre for the development of new production technologies.

The Performance Manufacturing Centre will employ approximately 100 highly skilled associates drawn from within Honda’s existing operations in Ohio. The powertrain will also be assembled in Ohio at Honda’s engine plant in Anna.

The all-new NSX, which will be badged as a Honda in Europe and Acura in the U.S.*, is being developed by a global R&D team led by designers and engineers at Honda R&D Americas, Inc. located in Los Angeles, Calif., and Raymond, Ohio.

Honda also announced that Honda R&D Americas chief engineer Ted Klaus is leading the global team developing the new NSX, and Clement D’ Souza, associate chief engineer at Honda of America, is leading the team that will bring NSX to mass production in 2015.

“This new plant will be as unique as the vehicle we will build here,” said D’Souza. “In creating the plan for this plant, we looked closely at each process and determined the perfect blend of associate craftsmanship and technology to adopt a new approach to manufacturing.”

The NSX will feature a unique powertrain and body structure to provide an incredible driving experience. It will be powered by a mid-mounted V-6 engine mated to Honda’s innovative new Sport Hybrid SH-AWD (Super Handling All Wheel Drive) system.

“We have a very clear understanding of the high customer expectations luxury buyers around the world have for a supercar, and our challenge is to exceed them and create new value for the customer,” said Klaus. “This new Performance Manufacturing Centre will be key to this challenge.”

Once selected, the team of production associates at the Performance Manufacturing Centre will begin training and establishing manufacturing processes that will be used to build the all-new NSX. The next generation NSX will be built exclusively at the all-new Performance Manufacturing Centre. In addition to being sold in North America, the NSX will be exported to customers throughout the world including Europe.

The original Honda NSX was built at the Takanezawa Plant in Japan from 1990 until production moved to the Suzuka Plant in early 2004, where it was produced until 2005. Part of the Tochigi Factory, the Takanezawa Plant was the first manufacturing facility in the world to mass-produce an all-aluminum body and balance advanced production equipment with hands-on “craftsman” processes.

Τυχαία Θέματα