Greeks are lazy? Αυτό είναι το μέγιστο των εγκλημάτων σας κύριοι του ΠΑΣΟΚ και θα το πληρώσετε ανάλογα.

20:20 21/6/2011 - Πηγή: Olympia
Αγαπητοί συντελεστές,σε μια συνομιλία μου στο facebook, στον τοίχο ενός φίλου Έλληνα στο εξωτερικό, ο οποίος υποστήριξε τις γνωστές ελληνικές θέσεις για το χρέος, αλλά και για το ποιόν των συμπατριωτών του (πως δεν είναι σε καμία περίπτωση δηλαδή τεμπέληδες και πως το πρόβλημα της Ελλάδας μόνο ελληνικό δεν είναι, αλλά είναι Ευρωπαικό), στηρίζοντας κι εγώ ο ίδιος τις απόψεις του φίλου βλέπω τα κατωτέρω
“posts” από τους χρήστες Darth Strathius και Esteban Lentini! Παραθέτω όλη τη συνομιλία μας:Esteban Lentini:The World Bank would be happy to loan Greece the money it needs, if only the Greeks would work long enough to fill out the application form.Alexandros Fox Boufesis I would be happy to comment further on Esteban’s post, if only Esteban would work long enough in order to understand the modus operandi of modern markets!Darth Strathius modern markets mechanisms is not an excuse for laziness… and I’m sure that Esteban is expert in defaults and IMF enough…Alexandros Fox BoufesisHave you come to Greece and worked here? Is that why you have an opinion about laziness? Have you worked 12-15 hours a day with 600-700 Euros maximum a month? And I am not talking about excuses, I am talking about facts! If Esteban is an expert in defaults and modern markets then he might be able to earn something from the upcoming default! By do By, are Americans lazy too? Because they are defaulting as well, in case you haven’t heard…As I can see you are from Italy mate! Italy is in the P.I.I.G.S list as well, are the Italians lazy too?Darth Strathius I’m not italian, I’m from Tatooine and if you ask if they are lazy, i’ll confirm your doubts: they are!!! and their decision makers are corrupted and incompetent!!! and I think that a big juicy colourful and noisy crash would help to wake up a lot of people and mix the cards on the table.Alexandros Fox BoufesisSo the Greek people, American People, Irisi, Italian, Spanish are all lazy according to your opinion yes? That is not only a stupid conclusion, but a generalized touching the fascist level! Hitler used to believe in the same things you know! The fact about their leaders is true, we have corrupted leaders who bet against the bonds (CDS) and are insider speculators, but don’t speak again about the people mate! Greek people Rebuilt Germany during the ’50s and the ’60s! Americans worked their asses, as you might already know, if you know anything about the schedule in an American corporate or even university! So, taking the above for granted and knowing-as most people do nowadays- the background behind every crisis (the one in 2008 being the pick of them all), how speculators and vulture funders can bring a state to their knees! And if you know history, the first economic crisis that threatened to tear USA apart occured during the 18th century, when George Washington ratified the formation of FED! Please just please, before you express any generalized opinion again just read history of economics and understand the function o
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