Απαντηση Μπερλουσκονι στα κοροϊδευτικα χα μογελα Μερκελ

Ετσι μιλανε οι ΗΓΕΤΕΣ..!

“Italy has done and is about to complete what is in the national and European level, which corresponds to his sense of justice and social equity. We honor our debt on time, we have a primary surplus more virtuous than that of our partners, we will balance the budget in 2013 and nobody

has anything to fear from the third European economy, and founder of this extraordinary country that holds at least expensive supranational cooperation As his proud independence.

As for the turbulence of sovereign debt and banking crisis, in particular France and Germany, we have firm positions, which led to the next EU summit. The euro is the only currency that has not behind it, like the dollar or the pound or the yen, a lender of last resort structurally prepared to defend its credibility due to the aggressiveness of the financial markets. This situation must be corrected once and for all, a crisis that would be worth the crisis common to all European economies.

We are making some tentative step towards a government of the euro, but much remains to be done. Germany’s Angela Merkel is aware of this, and his work will make use of our loyal cooperation.

No one in the self-appointed commissioner and can speak on behalf of elected governments and peoples of Europe. Nobody is able to give lessons to their partners.

On the other hand all of the Italian ruling class, if he wants to be treated as such, rather than a chorus of demagogues, should join in the effort of development and the necessary structural reforms which the Government has taken and is great for new decisions importance.

Italy’s labor and business know how things are, he wants a strong promotion of freedom and competition, and does not participate in games of power, domestic and European.

It would be good if Italy parties and factions to shake off old habits, and for once you were to think in harmony with the actual country abandoning the pessimism and doom.

From here you can start the healing and recovery. “

Εδω η ειδηση – δηλωση στα Ιταλικα



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