Ντερβισόπαιδο το ΓΑΠ ??

11:15 26/5/2011 - Πηγή: Olympia
Το καμάρι μας εδώ!!! μιλάει για την διαφθορά μας και την ανοργανωσιά μας !!! Εκεί τον κάλεσε ο φίλος του Ντερβίς να μιλήσει. ( 8 Μαρτιου 2010 )
Παρουσιάζει το Κράτος ” like a party machine and not an engine to protect citizens’ rights… “
Αυτό δεν ήταν σε κυβέρνηση διαθφοράς και part machine όπως  δηλώνει??? Αυτά έχει κάνει…!!Απο New York Times,
19/9/2011Kemal Dervis – ΓΑΠ Most intriguingly, perhaps, Mr. Dervis is a close friend of George Papandreou, the prime minister of Greece, whom he has been informally advising over the last two years.The two men became acquainted in 2001 when Mr. Dervis was in charge of the Turkish economy and Mr. Papandreou was foreign minister for his government. Since then, Mr. Dervis has provided counsel in a variety of ways.He has been an active participant in Mr. Papandreou’s annual summer ideas conference held on different Greek islands each year. He has huddled with him at the Brookings Institution in Washington. And he has, insiders say, shared many late-night phone calls with the Greek prime minister.And Mr. Dervis has many professional admirers. ( το ΓΑΠ πρώτο και καλύτερο! )Kemal Dervis, Currently a vice president at the Brookings Institution. Μπητε ψαξτε και γναλτε συμπερασμα!!ΓΑΠ – “Corruption is highly unique to Greece !!” Μάρτιο του 2010 !!
ΓΑΠ – “it calls for Changes to our system of Global Governance “… και καπακι….
ΓΑΠ – “at the meeting of G20 at Copenhagen for Climate Change we did fall short to our citizens’ expectations…” τα ιδια κάνει και στ Αγγλικά ! χαχαχαχαΤα βίντεο ΓΑΠ είναι 3… δείτε τα όλα !!
http://www.brookings.edu/events/2010/0308_greece.aspx  Εισήγηση STROBE TALBOTT ( President, The Brookings Institution  )
Μεταξύ άλλων
,….” the Athens diplomatic corps is pretty well represented too by Dan Speckhard, United States Ambassador to Greece, a very dear friend and former colleague of mine and several other people in the room. ……….” Prime Minister Papandreou is a leader not just of his own country but a leader of Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( δεν αντέχω !! αχχαχααχαααα )
 He is a champion for everything that’s good, everything that’s best about the idea and the institutions of the international community. He is also a great friend of the United States of America. ( Αυτό το τελευτείο ξαναπές το μεγάλε !!! χαχχαα ) He has many personal friends in this country!!!!!, in this town, in the White House!!!!!, in the Department of State!!!!! and in this room, and I am proud to be one of them. Back in the 1990s, I worked with him on some of the most challenging issues of that period, some of which are all still too much with us today. He was then and he is now a statesman of rare discipline!!!!!! ( χαχαχααααααα ) , ingenuity, integrity, and I want to stress this word particularly, political courage…….” Ακούω σχόλια !!!ΠΠ το παλιόπαιδο
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