What's in the Stars today, September 7?

Moon squares Pluto which foretells tension, jealousy and bitterness - so avoid contacts that ooze negativity

Moon in Libra

You're my soul mate! With the Moon in the sign of harmony and companionship, you desire social contacts and love affairs while social events, artistic performances, weddings, romantic films

and anything that centres on couples are favoured.

The Moon's aspects

At ten past ten in the morning the Moon forms a sextile with Mars favouring romantic moves, anything to do with decoration and adornments, the preparation of sophisticated dishes and sweet desserts. At about ten to three in the afternoon the square with Pluto foretells tension, jealousy and bitterness so avoid contacts that ooze negativity. In the evening, the Moon meets unpredictable Uranus and plans may have to be altered last minute.

Sun sextile Jupiter

Good and proper! This favourable aspect between Sun and Jupiter gives you the opportunity to show your strength in matters that require brains, technique or thoroughness, to take advantage of opportunities in the work field and finally to achieve something good and proper.

Libra, Gemini, Aquarius of the first decan and the first half of the second decan are lucky today: you'll enjoy travelling and the company of people.

Have a good Saturday full of fulfilling activities and surrounded by beloved people.

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