Health sector vacancies to be filled in 15-18 days, Health minister says

16:57 5/9/2013 - Πηγή: Matrix24

The three-member board of the Administrative Reform Ministry on Wednesday approved the relevant draft plan of the Health Ministry.

Georgiadis was once again firm that no lay-offs will be made of employees in the health sector, as there are some 100 vacancies in excess of the positions which must be filled compared to the staff placed under the suspension scheme.

The minister estimated that a saving of 32 million euros will be achieved annually as a result of the so-called mobility scheme in the health sector.

“Mobility has two objectives: The proper management of human resources and the reform of the health system”, Georgiadis said, adding that the specific scheme “is not required by the troika [of Greece’s international creditors] or the memorandum [i.e. rescue loan agreement], but because we do need it.”

Source: AMNA

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