Expression of interest for provision of consultancy services

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the US Catholic Conference of Bishops States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Under CRS’ Vision 2030, CRS has established the Homes and Communities (H&C) strategic platform (SCP2).

The SCP2 indirectly targets 8.5 million people to secure safe and dignified homes and communities over the next decade. SCP2 seeks transformational change at scale by influencing

government systems, private sector actors and peer agencies so they take up innovations or good practices so more people access safe and dignified housing and services in emergency, recovery, and development contexts. Alongside influencing governance, humanitarian and development systems, market systems have been identified as a critical entry point for achieving scale.

CRS has been working in Greece since 2015 in response to the refugee and migrant crisis, working in partnership with the national and local diocesan Caritas organizations in Greece. As an implementing partner across several housing and integration projects, CRS-Greece supports sustainable solutions for refugees to access affordable housing and integrate into life in Greece.

Based on this experience, during 2021 CRS-Greece reflected how SCP2 can be applied in the Greece context. CRS-Greece developed a H&C scaling vision: to support a governmental-led holistic and personalized integration model from arrival that provides asylum seekers and refugees with a supportive integration model within Greek society, through secure and stable affordable housing and job opportunities in local neighborhoods and communities.

 If you are interested in providing a quotation/participate in this tender, kindly send an email to in order to receive the RFP No126 tender documentation.

Deadline for submission of expressions of interest is until 20th of May.

Τυχαία Θέματα