Taiwan reports largest daily incursion yet by Chinese air force

10:42 17/6/2021 - Πηγή: Armynow
Twenty-eight Chinese military planes have flown into Taiwan’s Air Defence Identification Zones (ADIZ) – the largest incursion since the self-ruled island began regularly reporting such actions last year, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defence.The flights
– which included fighter jets, bombers, and anti-submarine and early warning aircraft – surpassed the previous peak of 25 planes reported April 12.Beijing claims full sovereignty over Taiwan, a democracy of almost 24 million people located off the southeastern coast of mainland China, even though the two sides have been governed separately for more than seven decades.While there was no immediate comment from Beijing on Tuesday’s flights, the news comes after the Group of Seven (G7) leaders issued a joint statement on Sunday scolding China for a series of issues and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait – comments China condemned as “slander.”But analysts said the flights likely served several purposes for China, both demonstrating the strength of the country’s People’s Liberation Army to a domestic audience, while giving the PLA intelligence and skills it would need in any potential conflict involving Taiwan.It also follows the June 6 landing of a US Air Force C-17 transport jet in Taipei, an event likely perceived to to be in defiance of Beijing’s claim of sovereignty over Taiwan, according to security analysts.The landing of any foreign military aircraft on another nation’s soil is strictly regulated by international norms and requires specific authorisation.The C-17, which was carrying a US Senate delegation to Taiwan as part of a planned announcement regarding the donation of 750,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, had none of those from Beijing.Taiwan has complained in recent months of repeated missions by China’s air force near the island, concentrated in the southwestern part of its air defence zone near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.US senators took a military aircraft to Taiwan to announce vaccine donation. To Beijing, it was a major provocation. (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)The latest Chinese mission involved 14 J-16 and six J-11 fighters, as well as four H-6 bombers, which can carry nuclear weapons, and the anti-submarine, electronic warfare and early warning aircraft, Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said.The ministry added that Taiwanese combat aircraft were dispatched to intercept and warn away the Chinese aircraft, while missile systems were also deployed to monitor them.Source: 9news.com.au

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