Εκθαμβωτικό το Elder Scrolls Online

14:10 4/5/2012 - Πηγή: Game 2.0

Το Elder Scrolls Online είναι η μεγαλύτερη βόμπα της χρονιάς (μέχρι τώρα) και όπως φαίνεται όλος αυτός ο ντόρος θα αξίζει τον κόπο. Οι πρώτες εικόνες του παιχνιδιού διέρρευσαν στο ιντερνέτ και μας δείχνουν ένα ΜΜΟ βγαλμένο από τα πιο τρελά όνειρα των fans του Elder Scrolls. Τσεκάρετε τις εικόνες εδώ, διαβάστε παρακάτω και τις πρώτες λεπτομέρειες που βγαίνουν από το περιοδικό GI, και πείτε μας γνώμη!

- The plot revolves

around asking what would happen if «thousands of prophesised heroes all think that they should be emperor?»

- The Tharn family is said to make a pact with Minnimarco for power, while the latter’s alliance with Molag Bal is the reason players can be resurrected indefinitely.

- Players will be able to join every guild, with fighters, thieves and mages confirmed.

- Expect a wider range of skills than previous games, and a level cap that takes 120 hours to reach.

- Managing stamina will be key to combat, while effective fighting – and combining attacks with comrades – will build up special attacks.

- The three factions, thought to be represented by lion, dragon and bird of prey link to specific races, with each hoping to expand territory, while remaining independent of the empire.

- Argonians, Nords and Dunmer control the north and east.

- Khajiit, Altmer and Bosmer represent the Aldmeri Dominion in the south east.

- Redguard, Bretons and Orcs are based in the north west.

- The open world will be much larger than that of Skyrim.

- Elsweyr and Summerser Isle are included at launch, with other regions set to follow as expansions.

- PvP takes place in Cyrodil.

- Levelling and quest mechanics will take after previous Elder Scrolls games, with environmental events and quests set to return.

- A time-travel quest involving werewolves was detailed which can affect the existence of NPCs in the present time.

- Players won’t need to rely on a hub.

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