Triple blow..

According to informations from Turkey, Anadolu Efes considers a triple hit for the upcoming season as the Turkish powerhouse seems that it will make a strong move in order to sign Olympiakos' forward Stratos

Perperoglou and CSKA's Serbian duo, Milos Teodosic &Nenad Krstic. It is rumored that Dusan Ivkovic (who will probably be the next boss) wants to built his brand new team around those three experienced players, as the Serbian mastermind is willing to add a lot of young/fresh persons in next year's roster.

Perperoglou will be a free agent this summer. He will receive 550.000 euros from his contract's last year and due to his great Euroleague season he will search his probably last, financially very good, sign. On the other side, Olympiakos knows how useful the player was for the team this year but also is betting in the presence of the youngster Ioannis Papapetrou (the club wants to develope him more and quickly increase his status as one of Europes's top-forwards) and Matt Lojeski. Τhe Reds had a first discussion with the players side but they start the negotiations offering less than 300.000 per year. Of course the player is not willing to discuss anything on this financial base but probably this is Olympiakos policy (starting from a low number) in order to accomplish the best deal. For sure, Anadolu Efes is capable to offer Perperoglou a much better salary as Ivkovic probably considers him as a basic pillar of the new team's offensive game due to the player's ability to bring his multiple offense (finishing at the rim, shooting from any distance, post up game, execution on the close outs, very capable on the transition offense etc.) on the table. Euroland sources claim that Olympiakos is not willing to offer a bigger (compare to the present) salary to the Greek forward and maybe the back-to-back champs will make a last run on the case after the A1 play-offs, offering one year more in the deal in order the player to accept the reduction.

CSKA Moscow is going to change a lot of things this off season as it seems that Ettore Messina won't continue with the team. CSKA's administration wanted to release both Teodosic and Krstic after London's fail but Andrey Vatunin wasn't happy with the possibility to face them (especially Teodosic) in the future. However, CSKA's half court offense is based on the Serbs cooperation and pick&roll execution although this season Messina put a lot of cuts and motion in the Russians offense. Dusan Ivkovic based Serbian NT's game on Teodosic and Krstic, betting on Milos playmaking abilities and Nenad's post presence in the paint. On those two players the Serbians build their offensive game under Ivkovic and it seems that Duda wants to bring this cooperation in Istanbul. Teodosic will receive 1.900.000 euros this year from CSKA, less than Kristc who is the team's most expensive player (CSKA has an option for him but is not going to picking up it). So the Russians will get rid almost 5 million euros in their effort to rebuild the team and Anadolu will be capable to add the "Serbian package" in its firepower as there are not many teams in Europe today that can afford those two players..

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