Ryanair ATC petition surpasses 600.000 signatures

Ryanair confirmed that over 600,000 passengers have signed its “Protect Passengers: Keep EU Skies Open” petition calling on the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to take immediate action to protect European citizen’s Freedom of Movement and overflights during French ATC strikes.

When Ryanair’s petition reaches 1 million signatures, the airline will submit it to the EU Commission and demand

that President Ursula von der Leyen finally takes action to protect EU citizen’s Freedom of Movement when French ATC repeatedly strike.

Despite only launching just 5 weeks ago, Ryanair has already collected over 600,000 signatures from passengers who are sick and tired of having their travel plans cancelled at short notice due to French ATC strikes, and all because the EU Commission has failed to protect their right to the Freedom of Movement. EU citizens now understand that their travel plans are being disrupted unnecessarily by French ATC unions and are demanding action from the EU Commission.

In the first 4 months of 2023, there have been over 50 days of French ATC strikes (10 times more than all of 2022) which have forced Ryanair to cancel over 3,700 flights, cancelling over 666,000 passengers’ flights at short notice. France uses Minimum Service Legislation to protect French domestic flights, while EU overflights from Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK and Ireland are disproportionately cancelled. This is unfair and must change. Italy and Greece already protect overflights during ATC strikes and the EU Commission must now insist that France does likewise.

A Ryanair spokesperson said: “We are overwhelmed by the support for our Protect Passengers: Keep EU Skies Open petition with over 600,000 signatures already from passengers calling on EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to take immediate action to protect their Freedom of Movement and overflights by keeping EU skies open during repeated French ATC strikes. We are rapidly approaching the 1 million signatures we need to force the EU Commission to take action to protect overflights and EU citizens’ Freedom of Movement.

French ATC strikes are the No.1 risk to EU citizens’ travel plans this Summer and passengers are really starting to understand that the EU Commission is doing nothing to mitigate that risk and protect their Freedom of Movement. EU citizens are now signing our petition to demand action from the EU Commission to protect them and their family’s travel plans this Summer. The EU’s Single Market for air travel should not be repeatedly disrupted by tiny French ATC unions because the EU Commission fails to take action. It’s time to protect overflights during French ATC strikes as Italy and Greece already do. If French ATC unions insist to strike (as is their right) then cancel French flights and protect overflights.”

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