The Moscow Central Diameters celebrate 4th anniversary

On November 21, the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD) celebrate their fourth anniversary. Since then, they have become an integral part of the transport system: in just four years, the number of trips on the MCD has exceeded the 725 million mark.

The first two lines of the surface metro were opened in November 2019, and this year the city launched

the MCD-3 and MCD-4. With their launch, the residents of Moscow got 74 more stations, new direct routes with free interchanges to the metro, Moscow Central Circle and other diameters. The neighbouring metro lines have also been seriously relieved, and the territories near the MCD stations have become more attractive for life and business: they witness the construction of new residential sectors, recreational facilities and business centres.

The project became very popular among commuters. The record passenger traffic on the diameters per day was: 272 thousand on D1, 360 thousand on D2, 443 thousand on D3 and 264 thousand on D4. In 4 years passengers have made 255 million free transfers to the metro, MCC, and between the diameters.

The development of the diameters continues: at the moment, the city constructs new MCD stations (Mitkovo and Petrovsko-Razumovskaya) and reconstructs four existing ones. Moreover, by the end of 2024, the city will completely renew the rolling stock of MCD-3, and by the end of 2025 – of MCD-4.

(Moscow Metro)

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